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About The Module

Use the Reports feature to quickly and easily gather and present data pulled from virtually any AIM module.

Additionally, access comprehensive GPA reports, or create a custom report on an individual student.

Staff Experience

Staff will use AIM ’s Reports feature to:
  • Gather data such as number and types of accommodations requested, exams proctored, Alternative Format work orders completed, utilization of captioning or interpreting services per term, number and types of applications for new accommodations received, number and types of appointments scheduled and conducted, and more.
  • Access GPA data for all students affiliated with your office, or filter by disability type, major, degree sought, specified GPA ranges, and more.
  • Generate a customized report for a specific student including accommodations and when they were requested, applications, documentation, appointments, case notes, emails sent to the student, equipment loans, and much more.
  • Export report data to Microsoft Excel for easy sharing of selected data.
  • Speed up and simplify completion of annual reports, such as to Senior Administration or external oversight agencies.

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